Servings: 9
Cooking Time: 4.5 Hrs


1 cup flour
6 tbsp butter
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
½ tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp baking powder
5 oz. bacon, chopped


1. Whisk butter with apple cider vinegar, flour, baking powder, and salt in a

2. Take a non-skillet and toss in bacon.

3. Stir cook until crispy and crunchy then transfer it to the butter mixture.

4. Beat eggs with the bacon-mixture and liquid in the bigger bowl to form a

5. Layer the muffin tins with paper cups.

6. Divide the eggs batter into the muffin cups.

7. Pour 1 cup water into the base of your Crock Pot and place the muffin
tray in it.

8. Put the cooker’s lid on and set the cooking time to 4 hours 30 minutes on
High settings.

9. Serve.

Info Per Serving: Calories 211, Total Fat 15.7g, Fiber 1g, Total Carbs
12.13g, Protein 6g