Servings: 8
Cooking Time: 2 ½ hrs


1 cup spinach, washed
5 tbsp butter
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
½ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp sugar
3 eggs


1. Add the spinach leaves to a blender jug and blend until smooth.

2. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and add the spinach mixture.

3. Stir in baking soda, salt, sugar, flour, and lemon juice.

4. Mix well to form a smooth spinach batter.

5. Divide the dough into a muffin tray lined with muffin cups.

6. Place this muffin tray in the Crock Pot.

7. Put the cooker’s lid on and set the cooking time to 2 hours 30 minutes on
High settings.

8. Serve.

Info Per Serving: Calories 172, Total Fat 6.1g, Fiber 1g, Total Carbs
9.23g, Protein 20g